I'm Jason, a multi-faceted musician who specialises in media composition, piano performance and choral directing

I have always had an obsession with writing original music as a way to properly express myself, from my earliest connection with music improvising based on the music I was learning on the piano, or playing around with the tape speed settings on an old cassette player I had inherited. With a keen sense of empathy and as I've matured this has become a great way to express other peoples emotions which has translated wonderfully to creating impactful and emotive scores for film and TV projects and enhancing music through production techniques.
Trained as a classical pianist I have been performing as a soloist and accompanist since 2009 and have regularly been working in this field since.

Choral Director
MA Media Composition
University of Chichester
Inspired by having to apply my musical knowledge to music production and recording I studied a masters in Media composition learning the industry standard approaches to writing for film, tv, games and other media
BA Music
University of Liverpool
Achieve a high standard of piano performance and continued to learn how to work with other creatives. Started working as a musician during my second year and haven't stopped since
BTEC Music
Leeds College of Music
Studied Piano performance, composition and this time was incredibly useful in developing my ability to work collaboratively and developing a keen ear for sound, pitch and rhythm